Before You Start...
A barebones guide to iChalk
Hosting an shared iChalk session
Detailing upon hosting a chalkboard
Joining an iChalk session
Connecting to a shared chalkboard
Chalking the iChalk Way
On how to use main tools of iChalk
Buttons and Controls
Instructions on how to pilot iChalk
Camera Obscura
Or, how to cheat
From iChalk to Quicktime
Making Quicktime movies quickly
This atelier is not quiet
When things go wrong
Leaving an iChalk session
Let's have some fresh air
Beyond LAN
Collaborate overseas
All the pleasures of tinkering
Thanks to friends
About the Developers
Our name cards
What's New in iChalk:

Text in the Chalkboard
Easier Collaboration over Internet
Changeable Board Size
Voice Messages
Webcam Snapshots
Interface Improvements

Other Material:

iChalk Gallery
Works of "art" created with iChalk
iChalk in Action
Things you can do with iChalk